Voices of Union

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Union, Mississippi
Shape-Note Music
Christian Harmony
Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Sacred Harp
Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Christian Harmony
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Happy Land
Christian Harmony
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Happy Land
Sacred Harp
Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Prayer Meeting
Christian Harmony
Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
To Die No More
Christian Harmony
Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
To Die No More
Sacred Harp
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Rock of Ages
Christian Harmany
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Sacred Harp
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Christian Harmony
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Sacred Harp
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Christian Harmony
Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Sacred Harp
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Christian Harmony
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Angel Band
Christian Harmony
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Sing to Me of Heaven
Sacred Harp
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Sing to Me of Heaven
Christian Harmony
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Beach Spring
Sacred Harp
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Be Committed (Beach Spring)
Christian Harmony
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Holy Manna
Sacred Harp
Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Holy Manna
Christian Harmony
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Weeping Sinners
Sacred Harp
Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Weeping Sinners
Christian Harmony
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Wondrous Love
Sacred Harp
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Wondrous Love
Christian Harmony
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Star in the East
Christian Harmony
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
That Beautiful Land
Christian Harmony
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
True Happiness
Christian Harmony
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Homeward Bound 
Christian Harmony
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Christian Harmony
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Sacred Harp
Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Sacred Harp
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
How Firm a Foundation
Christian Harmony
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Pilgrim's Farewell
Sacred Harp
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Christian Harmony
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Sacred Harp
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Sacred Harp
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Christian Harmony
Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
A Beautiful Life 
Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Long Sought Home
Sacred Harp
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Long Sought Home
Christian Harmony
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Parting Hands
Christian Harmony
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival
Parting Hands
Sacred Harp
 Shape-note Singers at the Choctaw/Anglo Singing School and Festival